12 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement Quickly

Social media is a powerful weapon and a crucial parameter for marketers to broaden the target audience. Social media is a platform to connect with customers, leads, and prospects, as more than 3.8 billion users use the platform. Do you know that 90% of marketers adopt social media as the primary marketing strategy [source]? It is also true that 78% accept that social media is the best and pocket-friendly channel for promoting brands. Let us quickly peek into 12 ways to increase social media engagement with such immense benefits.

1. Ideas to increase social media engagement instantly.

Identifying the target audience as customers about who is purchasing and what they need is a primary aspect of social media engagement. By defining the target audience, the marketers acquire ideas about which channels the customers navigate to. For example, holding hands with the Instagram audience works wonders if you belong to the fashion industry. On the other hand, the LinkedIn platform is the right choice for a business targeted audience. Hence, marketers need to invest time and understand the target audience’s needs as various social platforms attract different visitors.

2. Engaging content works great.

The essential step toward social media engagement is creating engaging content for the audience. Whether it’s a graphic, video, poll, or photo, it must be engaging and urge the visitor to tag it. Consistently post content that gets a positive reaction from the target audience. Hence, marketers should choose content that receives an emotional response from the audience.

3. Develop engaging and original visuals

It is evident from the Wishpond survey that Facebook posts with images receive better engagement than the ones without images. Whether it’s GIFs, posts, images, or original graphics, posts with images will win better social media engagement. It is suggested to incorporate tools such as Canva, Piktochart, Pixteller, etc., to develop visually appealing visuals to win social media audiences. Crello is one best platforms with several designs and templates for making a design from scratch.

4. Responding to comments

The quickest way to engage with social media followers is by initiating a conversation with them. Customers usually leave a message or a comment regarding a post, opening up for a conversation. Answering the post, whether it’s positive or negative, is vital. Attending every message by appreciating positive ones and providing a solution for negative ones helps better social media engagement.

5. Post at the right time

Posting content without followers online never helps you connect with the followers. Instead, do quick research when your social media followers are online and post content accordingly. The main intention is to make them see the post wherein they like, comment, and share the content. The hub spot’s social media tool assists in gathering data throughout the data to know the best time for better engagement.

6. Linking contents with present events

Today, followers in social media look for new content, visuals, and stories during the latest happenings. The audience is aware of the latest happenings such as elections, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Easter, Independence Day, elections, etc. Hence linking the content with such events helps you score more with the social media followers for quick engagement.

7. Conduct contests and giveaways

Discounts, giveaways, and contests seize the social media followers and connect them easily. You can follow strategies by navigating the user to visit the landing page for more offers. Quickly research and incorporate tools such as Rafflecopter for better social media engagement. Remember to offer prizes and discounts for winners to win more followers. Research for the latest tools that support social media engagement similar to Rafflecopter.

8. Post-attention-grabbing headlines

An exciting and attention-grabbing headline grasps the attention of social media followers. An honest and compelling headline drives more traffic toward the product page. Hence investing time and framing attractive headlines is crucial for better engagement. Tools like Coschedule helps bring about innovative headings for improved social media engagement. Also, note that tools like Coschedule suggest heading and offer you a score for headings.

9. Associating with industry influencers

Influencer marketing has gained ground these days for its effective results. The industry influencers own a massive group of followers on social media. Collaborating with them for better attention helps to win social media engagement instantly. They write guest articles and post on your blog. Then by sharing the blog on social media and tagging the influencer, the reach is expanded. Hence associating with industry influencers is a great deal.

10. Incorporate automation and scheduling tools

We know that marketers are swamped with work by developing relationships, responding to communities, and developing new content on social media. To save time, marketers incorporate scheduling and automation tools. There are exceptional tools like sprinklr, sprout social, and Hootsuite that support marketing teams scheduling, planning, and monitoring of social media performance. Developing and scheduling future posts becomes effortless with such tremendous tools. Chatbots also add to the list as they send automated messages and save marketers time as the followers reach the brand page.

11. Being updated with the trends

The social media platforms have new trends sprouting out, and the marketer must update with the latest trends. The presentation of content is often optimized on all social media platforms. Moreover, the posting rules also change at times. Getting updated to such changes and posting content with the right tactics to the right users helps marketers score more with the content.

12. Using emojis

Utilizing emoticons is yet another successful way to enhance social media engagement. The states that incorporating emoticons escalates the engagement rate with varying amounts. For example, there is a 25% increase in engagement with smiley emoticon, 138% engagement with griming face emoticon, etc. Hence, incorporating emoticons in social media posts leads to more likes, shares, and comments for the post.

Conversion and sales without engagement aren’t possible and hence working towards social media engagement is indispensable for any business. Engaging social media with a mass audience who trusts, likes, and follows the brand is essential for fuelling the sales funnel. Hence working on a social media marketing strategy by analyzing the above ideas paves the way for social media engagement.

Also checkout: scope of social media marketing professional in India 2022


These are the twelve most effective ways to increase social media engagement online. These tactics work effectively, and hence implementing them in your marketing strategy wins you outstanding social media engagement. If you want to learn more social media strategies,  you can enroll to Web Trainings Academy , Advance social media marketing course.

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