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PPC Interview Questions and Answers [Update 2025]

Paid Marketing is one of the crucial marketing strategies in Digital Marketing. To implement Paid Marketing strategy in Google Ads, one must have an in-depth understanding of the theoretical and practical implementation using the interface. Pay Per Click (PPC) is the crucial marketing strategy to target audience looking for our product/service on the search network.

Updated: Jan 1 2024

Updated Names of DoubleClick Products

1. AdMob by Google is Google AdMob
2. Ads is Google Ads
3. DoubleClick for Publishers is Google Ad Manager 360*
4. DoubleClick Ad Exchange (Standalone AdX Seller UI**) isGoogle Ad Manager 360*
5. DoubleClick Ad Exchange (Buy-side UI) is Authorized Buyers***
6. DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business is Google Ad Manager
7. DoubleClick Bid Manager is Google Display & Video 360*
8. DoubleClick Campaign Manager is Campaign Manager
9. DoubleClick Studio is Studio


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