How To Reduce Bounce Rate On Website

A company’s battle for visibility and engagement is the only tool to hit a highly competitive platform jackpot. What would happen if visitors stepped into the site and left without any dealings? Hence following smart strategies helps diminish bounce rates paves the way for success. Bounce rate is a crucial search engine ranking factor that raises a flag about the site’s quality to Google.

What is the Bounce rate?

Bouncer rate is the set of users arriving at the website and leaving the site quickly without interacting or navigating to other pages. There are ample reasons for visitors to quit the webpage, such as the site not being user-friendly, the product or service they look for being unavailable, etc.

What is the average Bounce rate? 

According to content square benchmark data 2020, the average bounce rate stands at 47% for eCommerce websites. The average bounce rate also varies based on the devices being used. Hence the average bounce rates on tablets are 45%, 51% for mobiles, and 43% for desktops. The industry and traffic source also play a key role in the normal bounce rate.

According to the creative momentum. In the industry, overall bounce rates are defined as follows:

  • 80% and over is considered a bad bounce rate.
  • 70 to 80% is considered poor
  • 50 to 70% is average.
  • 30 to 50% is good.
  • 30% and above is excellent.

Bounce rate vs. exit rate 

According to Chron, the exit rate for any website is the number of visitors who leave the website from a specific page. The fact is that each visitor leaves the site in some or another way, whereas exit rate is a statistic that mentions the page the visitors leave from.

Bounce rates and exit rates are entirely varied concepts. The bounce rate portrays the visitor’s initial page, whereas the exit page refers to the last page the visitor used and left. The bounce rates are usually single-page visits, but exits are more than one. Focusing on the bounce rates and exit rates is important to go a long way with the website.

How Bounce rate affects SEO

Visitors who bounce often click the “back” button to return to previous search results. Or, they may close the browser altogether. A high bounce rate can affect SEO results. This is because a high bounce rate indicates poor content for Google and other major search engines.

Many top SEO companies have started to focus more on content creation and marketing as Google refined its mysterious algorithms. This is what Google intended and expected. They demand quality content from websites. This has allowed Google users to find more relevant and informative websites for their queries and improve the quality of all content on the internet.

When a user finds irrelevant information on a website, he’ll probably close the tab in a few seconds. This causes a high bounce rate on the page, which indicates the Google algorithm about the page’s content quality on a specific query. If Google receives more same responses from users, the google algorithm will drop the ranking of that webpage on that query. In simple terms, if our bounce rate is high, the webpage could lose its ranking on SERP.

How to Reduce Bounce rate on websites?

Although it is challenging to properly analyze bounce rate (and Time on Site), it’s still essential to try to keep your bounce rates low. Even so, when your bounce rate is exceptionally high or suddenly rises as a result of modifications you’ve made to your website, you’ve got issues to deal with.

Conversion rate escalates by reducing bounce rates leading to successful businesses. Let us dive into detail and work on a few proven ways to decrease bounce rates and boost conversions.

  • Give a better overall experience.

The user experience is the overall experience of the visitor with the website. A pleasing and user-friendly website renders an exceptional overall experience for the visitor. Hence the first step towards reducing bounce rates is developing good websites that work inordinately on all platforms and devices.

Improve the website speed indeed, and visitors do not sit on the fence but take a few seconds to decide about the website. Visitors are bent out of shape with delayed page loads and downloads. Studies from strange loop reveal that one-second delay impacts sales to 7%, customer satisfaction to 16%, and fewer page reviews of 11%.

Hence escalating the speed of the sites with optimizing images works wonders. It is also a great idea to optimize the landing pages with Google page speed and Pingdom tools. Moreover, CDN is an intelligent, effortless, and quick way to speed up the website.

  • Avoid pop-ups on websites.

Do you know that 70% of users are fed up as they experience unrelated pop-ups in the websites they visit? As visitors land a site and start engaging, pop-ups disrupt their reading, and they may leave, resulting in a bounce rate. However, though pop-ups work better and help develop the email list, limiting or averting pop-ups helps reduce bounce rates.

  • Create a compelling call to action

Many visitors are attracted by the headlines and content of the site, a weak call to action has more chances to lose the visitors. It is mandatory to have an extraordinary call to action to click and explore the site. Best CTA indeed escalates the usability where visitors stay on-page. The above, in turn, better the conversation rate and reduce the bounce rate.

  • Improve your content storytelling

Storytelling is a great way to grab the attention of the target audience. However, you have explicit content; good storytelling makes the content interesting and dynamic. Hence, incorporating storytelling makes visitors read the content and react to offers.

  • Improve the Speed of Your Website

Page speed is important! Slow website load times have an impact on user experience, bounce rate, SEO performance, and revenues. The longer it takes for your landing pages to load, the greater your bounce rate will be. Furthermore, Google is cautious about website performance — if your site is constantly sluggish to load, results in a high bounce rate, it will drop your site rankings on search engines.

  • Make your website mobile-friendly

It is evident that customers have mobile all the time and wherever they go. About 95% of customers are online and hence making mobile-friendly sites are important. Do you know that mobile-friendliness is another ranking factor? Hence developing mobile-friendly sites declines bounce rates.

  • Build attractive landing pages

Researchers discovered that the design of the website was related to 94% of the bad responses received. The user-friendliness and design of your website all contribute to the initial experience you make. Landing pages are a great tool that helps visitors get the right entry point with good CTA’s and layouts. Creating impeccable landing pages is a smart way that help diminish bounce rates.

Final Thoughts

These are a few tips that help reduce bounce rates and boost conversion rates. However, learning the strategies and tricks for the same is possible by associating with the Web trainings academy about digital marketing course and bounce rate optimization. Our qualified professionals are expertise in handling bounce rates, conversion rates, and better CTA’s. Explore our syllabus and ensure you gain complete knowledge about bounce rate optimization.

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